In our day and time as we align with God’s purpose for kingdom advancement, it is imperative to understand what preparation and positioning means. Equipping the Saints is all about preparation and positioning for the display of God’s magnificence. If the kingdoms of the earth will be the kingdoms of our God, if the glory of the knowledge of our God will encompass the earth as the waters cover the sea, then the saints must be adequately prepared and positioned for kingdom manifestation in every aspect of life.
The saints will have to be prepared and positioned in the marketplace, which of course, is the combination of business, education and government. Our mission and commission is to make disciples of every nation, it must be understood that the life of a nation consists of business, education and government. Without these arteries, the life of the nations will be stifled.
It is of utmost importance therefore, that the saints be equipped in business, education and government, as we have received the unction to function in making disciples of every nation, which is the work of the ministry and the edification of the body of Christ. Allow me to announce to you that the stage is set for kingdom manifestation. This is the hour to make yourselves available as instruments of righteousness for kingdom advancement.
My Utmost for Highest.
Richard Onebamoi
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