Thursday, July 20, 2006


Whenever God is about to do something he always prepares, sets apart and positions a vessel or human instrument to bring to pass his intents. This method has not changed overtime or overnight. It is still God’s modus operandi.

In our day and time as we align with God’s purpose for kingdom advancement, it is imperative to understand what preparation and positioning means. Equipping the Saints is all about preparation and positioning for the display of God’s magnificence. If the kingdoms of the earth will be the kingdoms of our God, if the glory of the knowledge of our God will encompass the earth as the waters cover the sea, then the saints must be adequately prepared and positioned for kingdom manifestation in every aspect of life.

The saints will have to be prepared and positioned in the marketplace, which of course, is the combination of business, education and government. Our mission and commission is to make disciples of every nation, it must be understood that the life of a nation consists of business, education and government. Without these arteries, the life of the nations will be stifled.

It is of utmost importance therefore, that the saints be equipped in business, education and government, as we have received the unction to function in making disciples of every nation, which is the work of the ministry and the edification of the body of Christ. Allow me to announce to you that the stage is set for kingdom manifestation. This is the hour to make yourselves available as instruments of righteousness for kingdom advancement.

My Utmost for Highest.
Richard Onebamoi

Whose report will you believe?

God's Report Vs. Man's Report

“Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed”? Isaiah 53:1

“Who has believed our message? To whom will the Lord reveal his saving power”? New Living Translation

Whose report will you believe? The New Living Translation puts it thus; Who has believed our message? To whom will the Lord reveal his saving power? Whose message will you believe, God’s or man’s, God’s word or your circumstance. Whose and what report or message you believe will ultimately determine whose arm (strength and power) that will be revealed or manifested on your behalf.

You will find solace in God’s Word knowing that “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27. Consequently, if you believe the report of the Lord, the arm of the Lord, which is the awesome and saving power, His authority, His protection and His mercy will be activated and manifested on your behalf.

Whatever you are going through or your condition in life, whether you’re sick, oppressed, tormented or poor, do not believe man's or doctors' reports or your credit reports or circumstance or man’s opinion and judgment of the situation. As a matter of fact do not believe your own assessment of the situation but believe and tenaciously hold onto God’s report and evaluation of the situation. For God’s report is the final arbiter for whatever you are going through.

The report of the Lord says you are healed, delivered, set free and prosperous. Be bold to align yourself with God’s report by declaring with your mouth and believing in your heart what your mouth confesses.

My Utmost for Highest.
Richard Onebamoi

Whose report will you believe?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Secret of Vision

“And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry”. Habakkkuk 2:2-3

In the above text there are three important words that the success of any vision depends upon:

Write the Vision: When God gives a vision it must be written down;
­Make it plain: Vision must be made simple and unambiguous so that those that will read will understand it;
­Run that readeth: Vision is to be read by the people and this brings impetus which causes the readers to run with the vision.

In order for you and those around you to become successful with the vision, the following guiding principles should be strictly adhered to:

● Setting a clear-cut goal;
● Seeking God’s approval for His project;
● Communicating your vision with people who desire to help;
● Keeping the vision and according to priority over everything else;
● Creating and developing a detailed outline for the vision;
● Recognizing and acknowledging the limitations;
● Identifying and relating to achievers concerned with your vision;
● Being highly organized and time-oriented.

Endeavouring to live a life without a vision is like a ship in the middle of the sea without a compass to help it reach its destination. It is imperative that you catch a vision of what God wants done and how it is to be done and with whom it is to be done. We identify that most people have led their lives in various manners not worthy of emulation. This situation can be primarily attributed to the fact that there was either no vision, loss of vision, or the presence of a desire.

It must be understood from Proverbs 29:18 that a vision brings about the following qualities in the visionary either individually or collectively:

● It brings direction;
● It produces discipline;
● It builds your character;
● Its availability brings about foresight and leadership;
● Its evidence keeps you in expectation;
● It helps create your own structure and style;
● It brings about uniqueness but yet depends on and relate to its source

To Your Success

My Utmost for Highest.
Richard Onebamoi
Advantage Conferences LLC